Snacks are an important part of your child's diet, but not all snacks are created equal. There are even smile-friendly snacks that will benefit your child's teeth!
It's time to go back to school! In addition to buying new notebooks and pencils, backpacks and lunch boxes, make sure your child's smile is back-to-school ready with these tips.
As we age, we may be tempted to let our dental health slide. But we should actually be paying even closer attention to our teeth in order to keep our smile healthy for many years to come.
A whiter smile can improve your confidence and help in your personal and professional interactions. If over-the-counter whitening treatments haven't given you the results you want, consider our professional teeth whitening options!
Knocking out a tooth is one of those “worst-case” dental scenarios. Remain calm & call our office immediately for an emergency appointment. We can help!
Pregnancy has countless physical side effects that accompany it, and snoring is one of them. You may wonder why it is that pregnancy would cause someone to suddenly start snoring, so we've put together a few of the top reasons.
When you're on-the-go, it's important to make sure you have the right gear to take care of your teeth. Check out these handy items to take on your travels!